TRF is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 13-3132741. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
Donor Wall
John Signor Capital District OTB
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Paratore. Mary was a long-time employee of Capital District OTB who passed away suddenly last year. She was an avid horse racing fan and lover of Thoroughbreds.
In memory of David Dean
Paul Piscitelli | $20
Jared | $31.55
JoAnna Sunderland
Mary Holthaus | $36.87
In memory of Dee and Gertie.
Karen Duke
Anita Motion
Vinessa Erminio
Happy Birthday, Mike. We miss you.
To the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation staff: my father began rescuing "broken down nags" off the track and destined for the glue factory as far back as the 1940s in New Orleans. I grew up with racehorses and retired police horses who needed a safe haven and a second chance. please see the obituary for my brother Frank, who was a Thoroughbred trainer licensed in Louisiana. Frank died on Jan. 11, 2025, after a courageous race to live. Out of nowhere, an aneurysm in Frank's brain burst on Jan. 1. He fought a good fight. He finished his human race.
Lucy Erminio | $50
In memory of our nephew Michael Erminio. Finally out of pain and at peace. Love you, Aunt Lucy and Uncle Vinnie.
Carl Carbone | $100
Edward Chaky | $52.37
Prisco Tarquinio | $156.48
Holly Peck
Joyce & Garry White
Thomas Anapolis
Patty wright | $520.87
Rowland Marcellus | $104.42
James Cravens | $104.42
Karen Kennedy | $416.76
Audiojoea,llc | $52.37
Zach Smith
We’ll always carry you in our hearts - we love you, Dave!
Amn Cornell | $104.42
Patricia O'Connor
In loving memory of Dave Cabano a truly wonderful man who positively impacted the lives of so many
Kristine Thayer | $104.42
Spa Equine | $312.16
James Scholtens | $52.45
James Scholtens Thank you for all of the good work that you do.
Alice Stagg | $26.48
In honor of my longtime friend, James Scholtens, on his birthday
Donor Wall 412
John Signor Capital District OTB
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Paratore. Mary was a long-time employee of Capital District OTB who passed away suddenly last year. She was an avid horse racing fan and lover of Thoroughbreds.
In memory of David Dean
Paul Piscitelli | $20
Jared | $31.55
JoAnna Sunderland
Mary Holthaus | $36.87
In memory of Dee and Gertie.
Karen Duke
Anita Motion
Vinessa Erminio
Happy Birthday, Mike. We miss you.
To the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation staff: my father began rescuing "broken down nags" off the track and destined for the glue factory as far back as the 1940s in New Orleans. I grew up with racehorses and retired police horses who needed a safe haven and a second chance. please see the obituary for my brother Frank, who was a Thoroughbred trainer licensed in Louisiana. Frank died on Jan. 11, 2025, after a courageous race to live. Out of nowhere, an aneurysm in Frank's brain burst on Jan. 1. He fought a good fight. He finished his human race.
Lucy Erminio | $50
In memory of our nephew Michael Erminio. Finally out of pain and at peace. Love you, Aunt Lucy and Uncle Vinnie.
Carl Carbone | $100
Edward Chaky | $52.37
Prisco Tarquinio | $156.48
Holly Peck
Joyce & Garry White
Thomas Anapolis
Patty wright | $520.87
Rowland Marcellus | $104.42
James Cravens | $104.42
Karen Kennedy | $416.76
Audiojoea,llc | $52.37
Zach Smith
We’ll always carry you in our hearts - we love you, Dave!
Amn Cornell | $104.42
Patricia O'Connor
In loving memory of Dave Cabano a truly wonderful man who positively impacted the lives of so many
Kristine Thayer | $104.42
Spa Equine | $312.16
James Scholtens | $52.45
James Scholtens Thank you for all of the good work that you do.
Alice Stagg | $26.48
In honor of my longtime friend, James Scholtens, on his birthday