Giving Tuesday 2024






TRF is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 13-3132741. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

Donor Wall17

Sally | $130.45

Chris Vignoe | $104.42

Leonard Jagoda | $312.65

Andrew | $26.34

John Blossom | $1,000


Jeffrey | $1,041.44

Marianne | $104.42

TRF Second Chances Programs are unique -- they help the horses, as well as the people who are trained to care for them.

Salenda | $104.39

To the staff of TRF: your love and support is everything that is good! Thank you!

Paul Warfield

Linda | $260.59

Virginia Simon | $104.42

William Olson | $520.87


Michael Becker was a great human being and a huge fan of Thoroughbreds!

John | $180

Piper Plummer Mehigan | $104.42

Kelsey | $26.34