Trevor Peterson Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Trevor Peterson Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a student who has a disability in the Hillsboro School District who has shown exceptional strength and courage in living with their challenges. It is a remembrance of a young man who showed great love, patience, and tolerance for everyone around him. He was quick to smile and although non-verbal, always eager for a "chat". The scholarship provides further educational opportunities from college to life skills training and recreational activities like swimming lessons, therapeutic horseback riding and art classes.

The Trevor Peterson Memorial Scholarship for Siblings is awarded annually to the brother or sister of a child with a disability in the Hillsboro School District who has shown outstanding support of their sibling, family, and community. These kids often put themselves last while helping their siblings and families get through each day. Past recipients have changed school rules to provide greater inclusion of kids with special needs, tutored their special needs siblings and friends, volunteered at Providence Child Center for Medically Fragile Children and so much more! Trevor had a great brother and sister who supported him and this scholarship celebrates the many other great siblings out there!

For more information contact Jennifer Peterson at [email protected]