Trees for Life

Trees for Life is a national charity committed to mobilizing, empowering, and inspiring tree-planting initiatives across Canada. 

Our mission is to create a healthier, happier Canada by planting trees where we live, work and play. 

We eliminate hurdles that get in the way of maximizing the tree-planting capacity of our partners. 

We provide tree-planting organizations with the tools, resources, and networks to enable them to grow existing tree-planting initiatives, implement new ones, and educate members of their communities about the vital role of trees. 

Our first two campaigns—the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign and the GrandTrees Climate Solutions projects— have led to over 1 million trees being planted, with another million to be planted by the end of 2022, and have raised over $11 million. 

Inspired by the success of these campaigns, Trees for Life is committed to extend our impact nationwide.

No matter the occasion or reason—whether it is to celebrate, memorialize, or educate—we will work with anyone—individuals, companies, industry groups, nonprofits, and government officials at any level—to mobilize and inspire communities across Canada to plant trees.

If you would like to donate by cheque, please make them out to Canadian Trees for Life and send it to the address below. 

Canadian Tree for Life is a registered charity operating as Trees for Life. 

Registered Charity Number: 71228 7895 RR0001

7856 Fifth Line South, Milton, ON, L9T 2X8  |   1.844.277.4376   |