Katia Krüger
Fundraising on behalf of Trees&Circles
Fundraising on behalf of Trees&Circles
Hi dear one;
I am deeply touched by this Foundation which is trying to give back to Nature instead of taking away. Their purpose has been one of my dreams along my whole life: taking care of Mother Earth while preserving its Biodiversity.
In my belief system, as in the Buddhist Tradition, we come back to Earth again and again with a different body and a different name. And of course, we find here what we left behind. I wanna find a beautiful and healthy Earth where living in Peace and Harmony with the rest of living beings.
And you?
We are Trees&Circles a non-profit Swiss foundation whose mission is to support women led grassroot initiatives focused on ecosystems conservation and restoration. We feel a sense of urgency to contribute to the wellbeing of our beautiful Mother Earth and all its life forms.
We believe in the power of the collective effort of committed individuals. Together we can create a movement, United for Mother Earth. Join us!
Why Women?
Women are the ones who nourish their communities. They tend to naturally be the guardians of life, understand interrelations and that caring for the land is caring for their children’s future. They are often marginalized and particularly vulnerable to the climate crisis. Empowering women has a direct and long-standing impact on their communities and territories.
Why Grassroot?
Local and indigenous communities tend to be in good relationship with their territories. They best understand how the community’s and ecosystem’s needs are interrelated. Their wisdom, knowledge, culture and traditions are key to sustainability.
Why Ecosystems?
Ecosystems represent a complex web of interrelations, built upon eons, which sustains life and culture. The wellbeing of all life forms and of human societies depend on the wellbeing of ecosystems. The predominant western extractivist and consumerist model overlooks the relational nature of life and has severely damaged ecosystems.
Thank you for your generous support.