Join Us to Build the Transcaucasian Trail
Since 2016, we've been working to create a world-class, long-distance hiking trail across the magnificent South Caucasus mountains that celebrates and supports its diverse cultures, climates, and people.
When completed, the Transcaucasian Trail (TCT) will consist of two interlinking trails stretching 3,000 kilometers across Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan, connecting two major mountain ranges and roughly two dozen national parks and protected areas across the region.
In eight short years, the TCT has gone from being an idea to a vibrant reality - with trails, programs, and a community which spans all three South Caucasus countries of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. And as it's grown, the trail has created opportunities for economic growth, cultural exchange, and environmental education with benefits far beyond the trail itself.
Join us and become a part of the community bringing the TCT vision to life!
TCT Trail Status, 2023. Solid lines are developed routes; dotted lines are proposed and/or in development.
Bordering Europe, Asia and the Middle East, the region known as the South Caucasus deserves to be on any hiker’s bucket list. It’s a biodiversity hotspot. It’s rich in historical sites, unique cultural traditions, and dozens of indigenous languages. And it’s home to staggeringly diverse landscapes, including snow-covered alpine passes, red desert canyons, lush forests, peaceful meadows, and high volcanic plateaus.
Yet despite being one of the most biologically, culturally and linguistically diverse regions in the world, it's one that few have had the chance to explore.
Trail tourism has enormous potential in the Caucasus, but most hiking in the region has been limited to a few popular areas. Meanwhile, the Caucasus’ vast network of historical trails remain overgrown, unmarked, and unknown except to local villagers.
Together with a growing community of local and international trail builders, hikers, cartographers, and conservationists, we're putting these hidden gems on the map to help ensure that the landscapes and heritage of the region can be enjoyed by future generations.
Tatev Monastery in Syunik, Armenia. Photo by Tom Allen.WHY A HIKING TRAIL?
Simply put, hiking is one of the best ways to experience the Caucasus-- and it's one that has rippling benefits for the whole region.
For hikers, good trails make the rugged mountains accessible, expanding the areas that are possible to safely hike in-- and creating an unparalleled slow-travel experience through diverse landscapes and communities.
For rural communities, trails draw people to places they might not otherwise visit, creating opportunities to develop small businesses and revitalize villages.
For the environment, trails provide a platform for people to learn about biodiversity and develop a personal connection with the natural world-- an essential part of shifting broader attitudes towards conservation.
2023 Georgian crew leaders training in Zeskho, Georgia.
The Transcaucasian Trail Association (TCTA) was founded in 2016 as a U.S. 501(c)(3) with a mission to develop, promote, and maintain the Transcaucasian Trail. The TCTA supports and facilitates technical collaboration and cooperation between local NGOs who are responsible for trail construction and maintenance.
TCT Trail Crew Camp in Racha, Georgia, June 2023. Photo by Meagan Neal.
A volunteer maintaining a section of the TCT in Svaneti, Georgia. Photo by volunteer Bryce Reif.
As the trail has grown, we’ve seen a large increase in the number of local and international hikers on these routes-- and a corresponding increase in economic activity in villages along the trail.
By investing in the Caucasus' outdoor infrastructure, we’re helping increase opportunities for small businesses in mountain regions, providing environmental education & professional development for trail crew members, and improving access to the region’s natural & cultural heritage for everyone.
Maro & Valeri Vibliani, guesthouse owners along the TCT and the last two residents of Kichkhuldashi, Svaneti. Photo by volunteer Bryce Reif.
With large sections of the TCT established and successful programs operating around the region, we're now working to expand our impact and set the trail up for sustainability.
The funds we raise will enable our growing team to drive priority initiatives towards our short-and long-term goals:
Launch the long-distance TCT trail network by officially opening the Georgia national section, fully signposting the 861-kilometer Armenia trail, and opening new trail sections in Azerbaijan
Create comprehensive information to help all types of hikers make the most of their time on the TCT, including interactive maps, recommendations for day hikes, essential safety information, water sources and amenities, and information on the culture, history, botany, and wildlife of each area
Deepen the TCT trail building community by training new trail crew leaders, who will lead several hundred local volunteers in trail building and maintenance projects
Scale up the TCT business association and trail passport program into a regional initiative that supports local business along the entire Transcaucasian Trail
- Develop a trail monitoring system to provide real-time feedback on hiking conditions, accurately measure usage, and inform plans for future maintenance
Shepherd along the TCT in Gusar, Azerbaijan. Photo by volunteer Mursal Gashgay.
Since 2016, support from individual community members like you who believe in the TCT vision has made it all possible: To get the first TCT projects off the ground, to keep momentum through difficult times of a pandemic and regional conflicts, and to ultimately make the vision a reality. This core support is leveraged several times over, allowing us to pull volunteers and partner organizations together and make all of our projects happen. We couldn't be more grateful for your trust and support - and we hope you'll come see the trail and impact for yourself.
As we look ahead, we're excited about the next stage. With your support, we'll be able to grow the TCT into a force that provides economic opportunities in rural areas, a platform for cultural exchange and conservation, and a gateway to discovering the magnificent Caucasus for decades to come.
We hope you'll join us to make something incredible happen. Our impact is growing-- but we can't do it without you!
TCT team members & partners from across Armenia, Georgia, & Azerbaijan together in Tbilisi, November 2023. Photo by Duncan Maccallum.
Thank you for being an essential part of the TCT community-- and we'll see you in the mountains!
A hiker traversing an off-trail section in the Gegham Mountains, Armenia. Photo by Meagan Neal.
1st Maggie Osdoby Katz $100 raised 1 donation
You can also help us to achieve our goals!
I want to fundraise for this
Donor Wall19
Freddie | $10/M
Catarina Nilsson | $104,39
Ulrich | $10,90/M
Thorbjorn Tonder
My wife and I are going to Georgia to hike for the first time this 2024 summer and came across your page in our research. We are extremely impressed by the work you are doing and we are so happy to contribute to the work on the trails we will soon be visiting:)
Kasper van Dun
Jenny | $62,84
Samiya Agayeva | $208,54
Gasim | $62,78
On behalf of teacher Elchin
Good luck guys. You are great!
Kathryn Degnan
I’m proud to support this excellent effort!
Anika Eckstein
Catherine | $104,39
Thanks, Paul, Sopo and Austin. You’re an amazing team with a lifetime commitment. You made my trailblazer experience so unique. I WILL return. Kate
Dilijan Hikers Hostel | $200
Keep up the great work!
Sara | $10,72
Steve Parry | $10,72
I worked for the Bristol-Tbilisi Association previously. Check them out here:
Can't wait to hike it!
Dorota Szparaga | $10,70/M
Paul Hodgson | $104,15
John Graham Tours
John Graham Tours is a proud supporter of the TCT. Keep up the great work!