Fund Trans Students’ Futures

Trans formative Schools Afterschool has been open since October 2023!

Our students are a phenomenal group of curious, thoughtful, hilarious, and creative youth. They make the community a loving, warm, and welcoming space where all can explore their identities, share of themselves, and question our world’s inequitable status quo. Together, we continue to build a space that is safe enough for all to take the positive risks necessary to learn and to make change. It’s an honor for us, the grown-ups in the room, to bear witness to the ways our trans-centered community continues to blossom. We are thankful to be able to offer this space to our trans kids. 

However, we can’t do this work without you!

As you know, the economic disparities faced by transgender people and organizations are an equity nightmare—for every $100 awarded by US foundations, only 4 cents focuses on trans communities despite the fact that we are disproportionately impacted by violence, poverty, and poor health outcomes.* And as the attacks on our incredibly vulnerable trans youth continue to increase and expand, these inequities will only continue to widen.**

When we narrow our scope to the realities of the trans youth of color who constitute over 85% of our students, the disparities are so deep that we lack sufficient data because those in power haven’t bothered to measure.

We ask that you find it in your hearts to help us alleviate these disparities.  By supporting Trans formative Schools, you are uplifting the lives of trans youth and helping them to envision and build a trans future!

*Grantmakers United for Trans Communities 

**The Transformations Project

With wour contribution, Trans formative Schools can:

  • Reach more trans youth and provide them with a space to learn

  • Provide them with the delicious and nutritious snacks their brains need

  • Purchase supplies and materials for our academically robust and fun-filled lessons

  • Provide sustainable and livable wages for our trans and nonbinary educators

  • Continue to lead a trans revolution in the education system

Will you please help us keep leading and continue growing?

Trans formative Schools (EIN 92-1285371) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. All donations to 501(c)(3) organizations are tax-deductible by law. Therefore, the amount listed is your potential tax-deductible amount. As with any donation, you should consult your income tax adviser about your particular tax situation.