Our Motorcycle & Minion lover, Tracey Pacheco Medeiros experienced a freak accident on the highway in TN on August 17th. We are incredibly grateful for her fellow riders who were right behind her & passers-by who stopped. Their quick action to get a tourniquet on her leg, saved her life (she was bleeding out). And a huge shoutout to the med-flight team. Sadly, keeping her alive required an amputation of that left leg. Tracey is stable and has been under care at the University of TN Knoxville Medical Center. Her spirits are amazingly positive. For those who don’t know, Tracey had a double mastectomy in 2015 & a few years later had a stunningly beautiful Phoenix Rising tattooed on her chest to cover the scars. It speaks volumes about her overall attitude as she continues to embrace a life worth living.

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