
TopSecret Chat is free application offered under the umbrella of the organization Bona Fide NGO that is engaged in social impact missions.

The best way to ensure that TopSecret Chat remains available and free is to make a Donation

Donations are never linked to your TopSecret Chat account and can be anonymous. 


Contribute with suggestions, report errors and help translating the App in other languages.

Get involved and partecipate in the discussions on GitHub or simply Contact us


At TopSecret Chat we believe that privacy is a universal right and that your data is nobody else's business.

In a world that is crawling of prying eyes and mass-surveillance programs, we provide an advanced OTR (Off-The-Record) instant messaging for untraceable communications, anonymous identity and military-grade security.

This is a tax-free donation to support the maintenance, research and development of top-secret communications in a free-world where your privacy matters. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your contribution,thanks.