Tom and Barbara Mohn - Parsonage Donations

Hello Friends,

As you know, my Dad, Tom Mohn, has started his grand new adventure in the Kingdom. Our family has been so blessed and grateful for the outpouring of love and memories that we have received during the last few days. 

Many of you have asked how you can help or what you can do for us, especially our Mom, Barb. Here is a way for anyone to give to help support my Mom. 

Giving can look however you would like. Cards, flowers... however the Lord leads. We want to support and provide for Mom as she processes this “new reality”. 

My Dad was a force for the Kingdom. He was a man who brought people together. He is still doing that as we have seen and felt the love and care from so many. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. 

Our friend Jim Clark said it best… 

“Tom was a man of God from first to last. He resisted the pressures of many movements, standing fast in the pure love of Jesus. Nothing more, nothing less. He poured himself out to thousands of pilgrims, discipling many. His sacrificing love seemed to have no end. He mentored me in the art of pastoring, the cure of souls, and above all, in following Jesus. I remain ever grateful. I love you, dear brother. Thank you for all of it. Jesus' tender mercies await you.”

We bless you all,

Sarah (Mohn) Rhom

You can mail cards and things to: 

Mohn Ministries 

P.O. Box 35063

Tulsa, OK
