To Love a Canine Rescue, Inc. - General Fund

Make a one-time or recurring donation online using DonorBox, a secure virtual payment platform designed for non-profit organizations.

Donate to TLC's general fund and your donation will be used wherever we need it most!

We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 46-2618710. All contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for this contribution.

Donor Wall367


Our wedding photographer, Jason Hall of Waxwing Photography is donating his services to us in exchange for our donation to TLC!

Timber Outdoors Singles Group | $497.20

Our group truly love animals and many of us are dog owners. Some of us have even adopted from your cause. We hope this donation can help support your mission and many more canines find their forever homes!

August | $207.35

To Tricia, Sierra, and all TLC volunteers! Thank you!

Debra Yurick | $52.07

Anne | $26.19

Pippin | $15.84


John & Donna Roncase | $52.07

Debbie Missimer, 2394 Romig Road Gilbertsville, Pa 19525

The Charlie Modlin Family

Charis Mincavage | $103.83

Joan & Barry Zimnoch | $60

Michelle Leonard | $26.19

Thank you for all that you do to rescue dogs and find loving homes for them


Thank you for blessing us with the newest member of our family this year, Cisco (aka Asiago). We love him so much and are forever grateful. Best, The Fetrows

Rodney Comegys | $517.91

Thank you to April (and Jay)Robinson for the pinball events at your house (especially NYE). Know you can’t do them this year and they sometimes help raise money for shelter but dogs still need help.

David Carr | $103.83

For Wyatt. Hard to believe he's been with us for 6 wonderful years already.

Fortunato Pirri | $103.83

Amanda Bringhurst | $50

dominic | $5.49/M

Diane | $36.54


In honor of Coal's 1 year with us thanks to TLC!

S Shanmugam | $155.59

David Wierz | $52.07

Carole Boyle

From Eddy (Adopted in February 2017) for the underdogs.

Ziggy’s Biscuits | $510.20

Thanks for all the amazing work you do!

Sierra | $52.07

My Nana sent this to help cover expenses for Charley's surgery.

Colleen Golden | $26.19

Thank you for all you do! Beau is a beloved member of our family & we are eternally grateful


Thank you for the life-saving work you do! My TLC alum Rosie (FKA Maisey) is a joy in my life.

Donna Moran

Ed | $103.83

I had the privilege of working with Peggy for thirty years. She was a great person and a great boss.

Juliet | $103.83