To Love a Canine Rescue, Inc. - General Fund
Make a one-time or recurring donation online using DonorBox, a secure virtual payment platform designed for non-profit organizations.
Donate to TLC's general fund and your donation will be used wherever we need it most!
Donor Wall367
Lindsey | $26.34
Evelyn Fields | $26.34
Sheila | $520.87
We were blessed to adopt our dog Thor from you almost two years ago. He is so precious to us! We love him so very much and are so glad that you do the work that you do!
Pauline | $156.48
Sweet Pea and Ozzie (formerly Isaac) and I thank you for bringing our lives together ~
William | $312.65
For Alissa and Rhiannon
Mark Mattern | $500
Maria Gagliardi | $104.42
Shawn | $26.34
For Archer, he continues to bring us unconditional love each and everyday.
Arianna Ruffino | $52.37
Shawn Malone | $208.54
David | $208.54
Allison Roberts | $307.85
Rebecca | $520.87
In honor of Loretta's first Gotcha Day
Yoga With Sheila K. | $125.25
"From the little yoga family" @ Yoga With Sheila K.
Kagan/Galey Family | $52.37
Thank you for your help and support as we searched for our newest family member!
Carla | $160
Girl Strong Club in Chester Springs PA raised this money at our neighborhood lemonade stand. We know our donation will be put to good use!
Viking Veterinary Services | $50
Viking Vet Services loves your pups!
Exton Vet Clinic and Exton Vet Rehab | $1,000
Marissa | $52.37
Andrew Hopper | $52.37
Brittany Sanchez | $52.37
Thank you for bringing Marco into our lives ❤️
Kim | $52.37
Sheila Keating | $130.45
From "The Little Yoga Family" of Yoga With Sheila K.
Alexandra Delozier | $26
Donations from our schools animal club.
Susan Albright | $180
This is a donation from my 2nd grade class after playing Bank and Bakery in which they sell food to practice making change. We chose you b/c I adopted Ruger (fka Aspen - one of the tree pups - GSD). We have donated for the last 6 years! we hope it helps!
Kimberly | $26.34
Amy Moses | $104.42
For all the good doggos in memory of one of the best. You will be missed Gage.
Henry Tarnowski
Happy Birthday Max! - Henry Tarnowski
Lori | $26.34