Tiger Fund 2019-2020






The Tiger Fund, pays ENTIRELY for salaries for our Specialists - Art, P.E., Technology, Social-Emotional Learning and Kinder Music (music for 1st -5th graders is Funded by HeadsUp San Rafael).

The San Rafael City Schools, the State of California and Federal Government contribute ZERO dollars to these programs.  The Tiger Fund elevates our kids' education and without contributions from Coleman families, these programs would NOT EXIST at our school.

So let's hear it for The Tiger Fund!! 

The Tiger Fund asks each family to contribute $600 per child, per year. Donations of all sizes are welcome and needed to reach our goal. We recognize that not every family can give the full amount, but we truly believe that these programs matter to all of our kids and that everyone has the ability to participate at some level.  

We are aiming for 100% participate this year and are so excited to have EVERY family support EVERY Coleman Tiger. Please note that you can donate all at once or via monthly installments.  

If you feel extra generous and are in a financial position to do so, please consider sponsoring another Tiger by donating an additional amount. 

Thank you, Gracias, Merci!! 

We are so excited about this year and are so grateful for your support.


Sally Sauvignon & Sara Bender


The Coleman PTO is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 45-1347568. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.