Three Sisters Gardens Donation

Three Sisters Gardens is a registered non-profit organization run entirely from donations, grants, and the generosity of our community. Donations help support the at-potential youth and help keep our community programs running. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. 

Here's a glace at some of what your support allows us to do:

Our 2023 Summer Youth Leadership Development Program cohort learn about inequitable food systems and how to grow their own food.

A youth-led farm tour in process at Three Sisters Gardens.

Volunteers pack produce bags for our weekly Community Giving distribution.

Volunteers transplant seedlings during a volunteer day at the farm. 


Three Sisters Gardens. Growing a Revolution. Rebuilding Urban Soil.

Donor Wall13

Consero Solutions | $100

Consero Solutions is donating $100 to triple Natalie McDonald's November donation of $50. Natalie works for Consero. Thank you for your work!

Laura | $1,000

Nana for all the ways you showed me to care for others. I love you.

Deanna Lamb

This feels like the best way to support my community.

Diane Schlageter | $52.37

Anonymous | $52.45

Kenji Enos | $104.39

Natalie | $26.34

Rebecca McDaniel | $50

I bugged you guys during your meeting for flowers for our 30th annual BPNA speghetti dinner in midtown. You graciously said yes! Shout out to awesome people like you all doing great work! Rebecca McDaniel

Rebecca Mcdaniel | $50

I bugged you guys during your meeting for flowers for our 30th annual BPNA speghetti dinner in midtown. You graciously said yes! Shout out to awesome people like you all doing great work! Rebecca McDaniel

Medicine For My Sisters | $104.42

Medicine For My Sisters

Anonymous | $50

Create the world we need.

Emily Kuhn

Learning about the story of Three Sisters during the biking farm tour moved me. Thank you for cultivating these spaces for collective liberation.

The Empower Club | $260

Thank you for all that you do to inspire and guide the youth to become the next generation of confident and powerful leaders. We are the future! With love, The Empower Club