Three Rivers PTA Fall Giving Campaign






This year, the Three Rivers PTA is committed to simplifying fundraising, with a straightforward, easy to share giving campaign benefitting the students of Three Rivers School in Sunriver, OR

Your Donations Add Up

PTA President Mindy Holliday hands Principal Broadbent a 

check for $12,760 in August to help fund classroom needs and 

after-school activities.  Our 2018 Fall Giving Campaign was one of

the major sources for these funds. 

Donor Wall 16

Erin Taylor | $100

Heather Beards & Bangs Barbershop | $100

Lisa Carpenter

Happy Holidays!

Sarah Zendejas | $50

Thank you to the PTA for all that you do! Love our Otters!

Susan Mondry

Thank you to the whole community of teachers, families, friends that support a Wonderful School!

Riley | $50

We love our Otters!

Julie Brown | $100

We are so fortunate to be a TRS family. This community is extra special! Please help anyway you can.

Brad Diane Lien | $100

Samantha Chain | $5

We can't give much at this time, but hope to give more in the future.

First Interstate Bank | $75

First Interstate is Happy to support our Local Otters!

Water Works Spas | $100

you guys are so appreciated, and so valuable! Thanks for all your hard work for our school and our kids!

Sunriver Preschool LLC | $500

Brittni | $20

I will do more when I can!

Nolte Home & Garden | $100

Brandon Betuk | $40

Richard Asadoorian | $25