This I Know is a unique feature film created by an experienced Atlanta-based writer, director, producer duo, LaLa Halsema and Carrie Schrader. 

The film blends a narrative storyline about a woman’s search for empowerment and community with real-life spiritual leader interactions. The interactions have a profound effect on her as she faces her feelings about sexism, racism, and homophobia that conflict with her church and community’s beliefs. Ultimately, she is guided towards a new perspective about what a healthy community looks like for her and her family.


The goal of This I Know is to recenter ourselves, our communities, and our society in love, connection, and goodness. The team is aiming to bring together people who are experiencing or have experienced questioning the belief system they are in. They want people, especially women, LGBTQ+ and others who have been marginalized, to know they are loved, valued and not alone. While also moving the needle toward a less polarized, more connected society where fundamental human rights are valued and compassion is the dominant force. There are millions of people out there seeking, thriving, and loving in all kinds of communities and the This I Know team seeks to bring hope and shine light on that possibility. They believe our society doesn’t have to throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater - we can have a beloved community without the fear-mongering. 

By investing in This I Know investors have the opportunity to:

- Promote an inspirational faith-centered, LGBTQ+ and mother-daughter story

- Champion female filmmakers and a Georgia-based production and crew 

- Challenge fear-based nationalism and belief systems at a point in our history when second guessing what you've been told is more important than ever