Thanks so much for joining The Chorus and supporting VERSE.
The Chorus is a passionate and determined group of monthly givers on a mission to help those in need behind every story. People like you, from more than 54 countries around the world, giving anything they can to prove how unstoppable we are when we work together.
Your donation will also allow us to expand our channel, increase more stories and help more people in need. And we couldn't do any of it without you.
Thanks for coming along.
- Sulaiman
*Once your donation has been received, we'll approve your access to The Chorus with the email used when making the donation.
Donor Wall (6)
Donna-Maria Al-Sibai | £5.41/M
Lovely to be part of The Chorus
Alison Gordon | £5.41/M
I feel privileged to be a member of the chorus and find the stories and videos from Verse so amazing and heart rendering. If you can give a little you will be amazed to see how far it can go and such positive changes to families lives. Let’s be part of these humanitarian changes and find out how a family will be able to live a better life with the possibility of huge positive changes in their lives. ❤️ This is fantastic work and I absolutely love being able to offer my help 🙏🙏
Deleted | $2.38/M
Divine Blessings to Verse team!
Gillian Kelly | £5/M
Xinyu | 2.35 €/M
Hi, I got to know Verse via a YouTube video, and I'd like to join the Chorus to help people that need help.