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Please donate to allow us to continue our work in the BIPOC community as we aim to do our part in ending systemic racism by promoting activism and racial equality through the intersection of art, education and innovation.

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The B.L.A.C. Project is a Section 509 (9) charitable organization, EIN 85-0813528. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
Donate to The Black Literacy & Arts Collaborative Project

The Black Literacy and Arts Collaborative (B.L.A.C.) Project is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization that was created as a means to cultivate a unique approach to visual and performance art, literacy, business and financial education, personal-efficacy, and mental health through fostering creative collaboration, education, and civic and community engagement with a specific aim towards positively impacting "at-risk" youth, communities, entrepreneurs and small businesses. The B.L.A.C. Project aims to serve all communities but has a specific focus on underprivileged and "at-risk" BIPOC populations nation-wide.

Our programs serve as a connection point to educate our communities at the intersection of art, culture, and politics. Through artistic expression and engagement, we will empower our communities, change the landscape, and inspire new realities.

Currently, BIPOC are supported with disproportionate resources in the areas of literacy and arts. When you compound that with systemic racism and a radical wealth gap, BIPOC often lack the fundamental  skills necessary to survive, much less thrive in the United States.  Our goal is to support, educate and elevate BIPOC in order to create an equitable starting point between them and their white peers.

Through bespoke programs, events, and varied platforms, we connect our underserved communities with mentors they can relate to, curate unique experiences and programs, provide resources and invoke activism through a cultural and artistic lens.

What does it look like when our programs are successful?

  • BIPOC thrive from youth through adulthood with reliably equal access to educational development and mentorship opportunities;

  • BIPOC youth consistently achieving high scores in reading comprehension assessments and compete academically with their peers throughout their primary and secondary education;

  • BIPOC learners pursue unlimited undergraduate and graduate education opportunities;

  • BIPOC professional enjoy unlimited career and professionals development opportunities

... and more.