The Thorn Film

The Thorn is a feature film version of The Thorn live stage show. The Thorn exists to tell the story of Jesus on page, stage, and screen.


The Thorn tells the epic story of God’s love for the world and the spiritual battle for all humanity. Often described as cirque meets the passion of Jesus, The Thorn combines dance, martial arts, aerial acrobatics, and emotionally powerful performances witnessed live by 1M+ people for 25 years. This unique blend of theatrical performing arts and live-action cinema will engage audiences in the ultimate story of love, sacrifice, and redemption like never before.

When you donate to a Christian film project, you want to know how it is impacting the Kingdom. The Thorn has provided a crystal clear presentation of the Gospel to over 1.5 million people in the past 20+ years. We have heard thousands of stories of God’s intervention, rescue and redemption. Hundreds of artists are being discipled and encouraged to use their gifts for God’s glory.

In 2022, we recorded the show for a nationwide Fathom Events release in over 800 movie theaters in 2023 — this should drive thousands of new attendees to the live show. Eventually, our plans are to create a full live-action, narrative feature and we plan to release the film in Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin & Hindi first language. Then others dubbed. The show has been presented 100% in Spanish to sold-out audiences and the majority of the US still hasn’t experienced The Thorn live. The Thorn Film is a way that individuals can experience Jesus in their homes and in theaters!

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Ascension Media Partners is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 36-4978890. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.