The Humanity Project is a networking and resource organization.  We've been working on the ground in Cairo to aid Gaza and bring thousands of individuals, grassroots organizations, NGOs, and businesses together to assist the Displaced Palestinians in Egypt.  Together we provide assistance in every way possible. This includes emergency supplies, food, clothing, housing, rent assistance, medical procedures, University tuition, embassy and visa assistance, and more.  

Together, we're serving over 15,000 families, but the current model on the ground is no longer sustainable because of the growing numbers.  We have finally become an NGO and our first project is designed to fix this by starting Family Support Centers where all of the organizations can work out of and serve the Palestinians as they come to us.  The vision is to have trained case workers and volunteers greet Palestinians as they arrive and lead them through a complete process. They will not only receive emergency food and supplies but also talk with a therapist, see a doctor and schedule medical appointments, as well as find out about clothes, university tuition, and all of the aid programs offered through the various organizations.  

We will also provide classes and group sessions in the Family Support Centers, as well as art classes for the children, tutoring programs, support groups, job skills training and anything else needed.  The Family Support Centers will be run by our Palestinian leadership who we will locate strategically across Egypt to serve the Displaced Palestinians in Egypt closest to where they live.  

Our immediate need is to raise money and fund the first Family Support Center, stock it with our emergency aid parcels, and hire our Palestinian staff.