The HERD Foundation






After a successful pilot project in Trabuco Canyon, we're ready to expand our efforts countywide. The OC Farm Bureau recognizes the importance of this initiative and has provided a $10,000 matching grant to help implement the Orange County Grazing Coalition (OCGC). We need your support to maximize this opportunity.

How Your Donation Will Be Used:

Implementing Grazing Programs: Immediately reduce fire fuel loads with conservation grazing.

Education and Training: 

Provide workshops and training sessions for local ranchers and land managers on regenerative grazing practices.

Monitoring and Research: 

Support ongoing research to assess the impact of grazing on soil health, and biodiversity.

Community Outreach: 

Develop educational materials and organize events to raise public awareness about the benefits of regenerative grazing.

Build a Coalition: 

Identify and engage key stakeholders, such as farmers, ranchers, local businesses, schools, and environmental groups. Recruit a diverse group to join the regenerative grazing initiative.

With your help, we can expand our successful model across Orange County and create a more resilient and sustainable environment. Thank you for your support!

The HERD Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 82 1450151

Donor Wall 2

The Little Catholic | $26.34

Product Design Labs | $50