The Fund for Thomas More University

Thomas More University is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 61-0448560. Your contribution is tax deductible. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your contribution.

Donor Wall 42

Melanie Green

My Dad, Vernon Wilson (Engineer Mechanical, Electrical, Nuclear) always inspired to to complete my college education

Teresa Fincken | $104.42

Mary Witschger | $52.37

Paul Brinkman | $52.37

John Rider | $26.27

Lucas Diaz | $1,000

Lloyd | $52.32

Peter Stuntebeck | $519.52

Kelly Yurt | $200

Edward M. Barloh | $259.92

Darryl Menning | $104.15

Charles Hardebeck | $100

Fran Hemmer | $50

Terry Lueck | $50/Y

Joseph F. Connelly Scholarship Fund

William Knochelmann | $104.15

Giving Tuesday

Nathan Steuber | $250

Marijo Fischer | $100

Stephanie Sarakatsannis

David & Leslie Armstrong | $500

For the repose of his soul

Michelle Koch | $100

Amy Wendt

Victoria Raque

John Rider | $26.27

Christin Spurr

Casey J. Cornelius | $519.52

John Rider | $52.23

Katlyn Fischer | $50

Gregory Stofko

Stadium Enhancement Fund Pledge Payment

Sharon Gay

Michael and Fran Hemmer