Support the Educational Outreach Efforts of the Fed is Best Foundation
Fed is Best Foundation Supports All Parents and All Safe Infant Feeding Methods
Raising Awareness Among Parents, Health Professionals, Health Facilities and Elected Officials
The Fed Is Best Foundation is a non-profit, volunteer organization of doctors, nurses, lactation consultants and parent patient advocates who study the scientific literature on infant feeding and real-life infant feeding experiences of mothers through clinical practice and social media connections. We work to identify dangerous gaps in current breastfeeding protocols, guidelines, and education programs, and provide families and health professionals the most up-to-date scientific research, education and resources to practice safe infant feeding with breast milk, formula, or a combination of both. We provide safe, brain-protective infant feeding education and direct one-on-one support for breastfeeding, mixed-feeding, formula-feeding, pumped-milk-feeding and tube-feeding mothers and families to prevent feeding complications to babies.
Your contribution of any size is greatly appreciated and will help us meet our goals and work to ensure that all babies are fed and nourished with safe, evidence-based practices. We are a U.S. tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization and any donations made to the Foundation are eligible for tax-exemption on your tax filing.
A special bonus for this fundraiser is that gifts of $10 or more get a special thank you! #FedIsBest Advocates donating $10 and up will receive a #FedIsBest charm or 2-inch button. Healthcare professionals have requested the Fed is Best button to show their support of the Fed is Best Foundation while discussing safe feeding options with their patients. For donations of $5 or more, we can send you a Fed is Best decal (available in the original logo colors, pink and green and black and white). Please make sure to indicate your preferred gift and a mailing address.
Proudly show your support for all parents and feeding methods and help us reach our goal to ensure all babies are fed and nourished safely, in the ways that are best for them and their families.
Our work honors all the ways babies are fed and nourished by promoting safe, evidence-based practices, and strives to empower parents and parents-to-be with information on how to safely feed their babies, identify feeding risk factors, work with health care providers, recognize signs of feeding issues and related infant health conditions, and avoid infant re-hospitalizations and negative outcomes.
(You can learn more about us and our and mission at
Educational Activities:
Direct campaigning and one-on-one support of parents through our parent support group, which is the only infant feeding support group moderated by breastfeeding and infant feeding experts, nurses and physicians
To produce online and in-person evidence-based infant feeding courses for parents and parents-to-be on both breastfeeding and formula-feeding, with input from our experienced team of lactation and nursing professionals, physicians, and infant nutrition experts;
To produce and disseminate our evidence-based infant feeding protocol materials to parents, health professionals and health care facilities.
Overhead Support:
To help fund our operations costs, such as maintaining our website and servers, business fees, social media advertising, printed materials for health providers and health facilities, etc.
Advocacy Activities:
To advocate for and support parents and families who have experienced infant feeding complications and shaming for how they feed their babies. We are also advocating for national and global change in infant feeding policies to prioritize avoidance of starvation-related complications, like jaundice, dehydration and hypoglycemia, particularly in breastfed infants to hospitals, major health organizations, health insurers and elected officials.
We thank you for contributing to this amazing mission of ours. For more information or to get connected with the Fed Is Best Foundation, please explore the rest of our website here at
Fed is Best Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a strict policy of not accepting funds from any company, organization or entity that obtains revenue through infant feeding products and services, including breast- and formula-feeding companies. All resources on are free because we believe that safe infant feeding is a human right.
Donor Wall 35
Paige | $104.39
We recently discovered the Fed is Best book, and it's been incredibly eye opening. We are expecting our first baby later this year, and I am very grateful for the information and research shared by the Fed is Best Foundation, helping parents be informed and babies be safe and well-fed. Thank you.
Christie del Castillo-Hegyi | $1,039.36
Melissa Moore | $104.12
I'm a nurse midwife with extensive lactation support experience. My first baby suffered, starving, for two weeks until an lc gave us a specific volume he had to eat at feedings. We used donor milk while my supply built and he improved. I still remember his cries. I used what I learned with my first to make my own feeding plan for my second, who ended up being born at 36 weeks after I developed pre eclampsia. By 48 hours old he was in the green zone for eight loss and his first checkup is today. The LCs and peds were shocked in the hospital. He's gotten a tiny bit of formula and I started expressing early. I now make enough to supplement him with my milk, but we're watching him closely. Formula kept him safe, content and me well rested. It was like magic. I found your website looking for guidance on making sure he was getting enough and my heart lept to know they're are professionals naming the fact that bfhi starves babies and pushing back. Thank you.
As a baby nurse I support parents in feeding their babies safely. No baby should be hungry or possibly lose their life due to insufficient Breastmilk.
25 years ago, I was investigated for my child being failure to thrive because I was blindly trying to breast feed. That child turned out to be OK, but during the investigation I told the social worker that there were going to be more people like me because the breastfeeding movement had gone ridiculously too far. She smirked at me and told me that I was the only one. I wasn't the only one to mess up and I was right. I've never been so sad about being right.
Maeve | $52.32
tonks medical limited | $1,549.93
Adrianna Forest | $41.82
Thanks Lynnette for the consultation
Elizabeth Allen-Cannon | $26.33
Anonymous | $103.80
Wonderful site that will help many babies; I was born premature and only weighed 4lbs.
Sandra Bruce | $258.74
Valerie Sorensen-Clark | $207.35
Your mission is so important. Thank you for all the work you do to help fight the stigma and shame around nursing complications.
Thank you for providing evidence-based information on newborn feeding to parents and healthcare providers. I inadvertently let my baby go hungry for two days, as he nursed constantly and screamed in hunger whenever he wasn't on my breast. I finally demanded formula; it was another 24 hours before the hospital allowed him to have supplementation. My heart goes out to those parents who didn't know to advocate for their babies in the face of the BFHI’s unvalidated and dangerous directives.
This is in gratitude to the Facebook Group Exclusive Pumping - Evidence Based Support for all the incredible work they do!!
Beth del Castillo | $310.87
I support Fed is Best’s mission to safely feed all babies.
Amanda | $26.19
So happy this organization exists. I really wanted to try and breastfeed my daughter who was born in May 2020. After two weeks I just couldn’t do it and my mental health was suffering immensely. The information from your organization and your Facebook support group gave me the information I needed to make an educated decision and switch to formula. My daughter is now six months old and thriving! Thank you so much for educating the world that Fed is Best.
Assaf | $536.54
Yang Ruan
Ashley Keller | $26.19/M
Lisa | $26.19
Liz Stanislawski | $52.07
Jody Lynne personally called me to offer support after I posted my breastfeeding struggles in the Fed is Best Facebook group. She made me feel not so alone and helped me figure out a feeding plan that didn’t cause me so much anxiety. This organization is a breath of fresh air in the current “breast is best” culture that makes moms doing their best feel inadequate. I’m so thankful I found them.
Adrienne Rafuse | $26.19
Jacquelyn | $500
Fed is Best and Dr. Christie Del Castillo helped our family have hope when we thought all hope was lost. We became dangerously close to losing our daughter’s life after following unsafe feeding rhetoric from the hospital. Dr. Del Castillo eased our minds and validated our concerns after listening closely to our story. I wish we could give more because what we received from Fed is Best is absolutely priceless. We are incredibly grateful and will never forget how you helped our family during one of the hardest times of our lives. Thank you Fed is Best!
Elizabeth Cumby | $103.83
As a family medicine doctor, I applaud Fed Is Best for the awareness they have raised among both healthcare providers and parents as to the harmful effects of neonatal starvation while awaiting the onset of lactation. Rigid breastfeeding education (breast only) has not only had detrimental effects on the newborn but on maternal/infant bonding. Thank you for addressing this critically important issue.
Emilie Bishop
Yasmin | $15.84
Thanks for everything you do and continue to spread awareness and educate familes in their feeding choices
Anonymous | $259.11
My son went dangerously close to dehydration three days after being born because my wife was brainwashed by the breastfeeding fanatics. I had to rush to buy formula at 3am to remedy the situation after many hours of no urination at all. Had better and complete information been provided by medical professionals in charge of our son's well-being, nothing of the sort would have happened and the danger would have been averted. I'd like to support your efforts to stop all this nonsense. Formula is not bad per se, and it's sometimes necessary, even temporarily -don't believe the exclusive breastfeeding propaganda.
Jacqueline Rebok | $26.19
Thank you for your work, from this pumping and supplementing mamma!