The Dream Team Fund






2025 is Big - Please Help Us Start Out Strong!

As a proud member-owner of the  Electric City Community Grocery (ECCG), I am thankful for the 1,100+ Member Owners (MOs) from our community that have helped make this dream a reality.  The ECCG Team is excited about all the plans and progress scheduled for 2025. The road to opening a new food co-op is long and there are many costs along the way.  Thus far, the team has secured some excellent financing commitments, but they can only be unlocked by funds we raise from our community - YOU! 

Right now we're working to raise at least $100,000 by January 15 so we can access an additional $100,000+ from our grantors.  This will pay for the next phase of work which includes hiring national experts and securing the site to make sure we're working towards a strong successful co-op that serves everyone in Schenectady and beyond.  

To raise this money we need your help.  
On this page you'll find some convenient and easy ways to contribute directly to the ECCG.  This is how all new co-ops get started lots of people putting their time, skills and money to work, together, to build something we all own and benefit from. As the new year gets rolling, we'll have additional ways you can help.  So please contact me directly ( if you would like to learn more about the upcoming Capital Campaign.

To avoid processing fees and ensure that 100% of your contribution goes to our co-op, you are welcome to write a check to "Electric City Food Cooperative, Inc" with "Dream Team" in the memo-line and mail to: 

Electric City Food Co-op

PO Box 1416

Schenectady, NY 12301

Also, if you'd prefer to make a larger, tax-deductible donation that will benefit your co-op, we have a way to do that too - please contact and Andy Gladwin, co-chair of our Capital Campaign Team will follow-up with you.

Please pass this note along to your friends, family, and others you think may be interested in helping our co-op move forward

Thank you so much, I appreciate all of our 1,100+ MO's support.


Donor Wall4

Daria Mallin | $1,054.61

Patty & Pete VanKeuren | $50

Joanne Dwyer | $158.46

Eric | $259.74

Thanks for all you are doing for our City!!