The Considerate Group - Joy Hour Funding






Your donation to The Considerate Group helps to fund Joy Hour, develop and offer additional community programs for children, youth and adults, develop and publish related curriculum for use by every Joy Hour chapter, and helps support other Joy Hour chapters with materials and supplies. 

Consider becoming a monthly partner with us! 

The Considerate Group is a Washington Non-Profit Corporation, and a 501(c)3 public charity located in Auburn, WA. 

The Considerate Group is a 501c3 organization. Your donation is tax-deductible.

Donor Wall4

Do the Right Thing | $100

Just want to tell you how awesome you are! Just A Little Something from Do The Right Thing Nonprofit

joe | $25

Sorry I wasnt able to make it to Renton, by the time I would get there would have been over. Thank you for all you are doing. Much appreciated.

Dylan Christiansen


Ivan | $1,000