The Challenge of a pure heart!






The Challenge of a pure heart!

Ask yourself: Are you a true Christian with a pure heart that the first followers of Christ had?

Take part in the challenge of a pure heart by reading the following passages in the Book of Acts:

Act 2:42-47 (Coming together in one accord and supporting one another)

Act 4:32-37 (Charity, selling of possessions to assist the cause and the needy)

Act 5:1-11 (Punishment for people who misled the group and the apostles)

Act 6:1-7 (Helping the widows and the poor)

Now apply these verses to your life and see if you have a pure heart like an early Christian or if you are still lacking in the following areas:

They had all things in common.

They sold their excess (possessions and goods) and parted them to all men, as every man had need.

They continued daily with one accord.

They had favor with all the people.

They were of one heart and one soul.

Great Grace was upon them all.

None of them lacked anything.

They sold their possessions and laid them at the feet of the apostles.

Distributions were made unto every man according as he had need.

People who misled the group by claiming they had no excess or keeping part of such excess were punished.

They served the widows and the poor daily.

Relief and charity was in their heart.

They grew in huge numbers.

Everybody could see their light and their pure heart through their righteous deeds. Which gave them white garment for their resurrection into eternal life (Revelation 19:8)

If you are lacking in one or more areas, take a first step here and let your pure heart shine by giving for a poor child in Cambodia or go to our Mission to Cambodia page:

Then follow up by having a look at our YouTube Channel Triple Grace 555 and watch the resources we offer:

The Mission of Triple Grace is to restore the first assemblies of love and righteousness in the nations. A true copy of the Book of Acts. We call such assemblies Societies of the Rose who are spreading the love of the Father and the teachings of Jesus as the first Christians did in house churches and with love meals.

Also join our website with many free resources and videos about the restoration of the new altar of Love, Unity and Support:

Take part in the Challenge of the pure heart and show that you are a true Christian by supporting the needy, the children and the poor. Make a donation to show that you are part of a loving Christian community that understands that sharing resources is not an invention of modern time but a commandment of the Lord!

This challenge is running until the End of December 2019 and we ourselves are very much interested in how many believers are out there who have a true heart and see themselves as a first Christian follower of the path.

At the end of the challenge all participating Christians will be taken in a special prayer session to our Father, Yahweh and into the court of heaven because our rewards are not worldly but heavenly.

Become a partner of Triple Grace in your country by becoming an elder, a state leader or a national leader in the Gathering of the Saints:

Take the first step and be an early christian follower of Christ Jesus!

What do you think how many Christians will show forth their pure heart? And are you one of them?

Triple Grace

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Chris | $15.84

I am a college student who is saving for paying back student debt. Is 15 dollars OK?