Thaakat Foundation - Zakaat Campaign 2022






This month, my personal goal is to raise 10K to help Thaakat get closer to fully executing plans for the rest of the year.

Thaakat Foundation’s annual zakaat campaign allows us to cover an entire year’s work at our project site, DREAMS Pakistan. At DREAMS, thousands of families live in the burning mountains of waste, in the city’s largest landfill. Many of these families work in the landfill in order to survive. 

This year’s Zakaat funds cover the below:
– Food Relief for 2500 families ($50/2 packs)
-Teacher salaries
– General and emergency healthcare for students
– Medical center facilities
– All Girls / Womens Campus
– More than 60 teacher salaries
– Transportation, electricity, fuel
– Clean water pump and filtration
– Counseling
– College fund for Al-Khair students

Your tax-deductible gift will help provide an education to more than 1,100 students. It also provides them with food relief packs, counseling, emergent medical care, clean water and scholarships.

Together, we can give hope to these children who hope to one day, have a future outside of these landfills.

Thaakat Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3). Gifts are 100% tax-deductible. All donations are processed securely.

Donor Wall 3

Nabeel | $263.89

Areej | $300

central | $50