Building Freedom for the Homebound

Your generous gift will provide wheelchair ramps for those that can least afford one.  

Wheelchair ramps provide so much more than increased mobility. To many of our neighbors, these ramps provide independence, increased safety, an improved quality of life, convenience, and the ability to remain in their home. Aging in place is vital to continuing to live a comfortable, safe, and happy life.


We are 100% transparent about our finances and how we spend your funds. To show you our commitment to the highest level of ethics and transparency, we have earned and received the independent GuideStar Candid Platinum Transparency Seal and the Excellence in Giving Certified Transparent Seal.


Ramps give freedom. Help us provide that freedom.

If you would like to mail us a check, please send the check to the Texas Ramp Project at the address below:

Texas Ramp Project

P.O. Box 832065

Richardson, TX 75083-2065

Texas Ramp Project is a volunteer-staffed, 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-denominational, non-governmental organization, building wheelchair ramps for those in need without regard to race, religion, ethnicity, age or gender.

Donor Wall95

Anonymous | $52.37

Daisy | $52.37

Patrick Wamhoff

Fred Fox

Ronnie Politi | $26.34

For CASS County


Houston Area Zachry Days of Caring

Kearse and | $519.52

In honor of Kay's birthday from her kids and grandkids. We are so proud of the volunteering she does with the Ramp Project.

Lila | $104.15

For Jacksonville ramp project.

Bob & Sally | $104.15

For Jacksonville , TX support and all the great work that team does

Canyon Lake United Methodist Church | $311.84


Heather Hatchett Williams | $831.05


Shirley Druse | $300

Virginia Herrmann | $300

Wilford Mccann | $1,038.73

Thanks for the ramp; you are doing a wonderful work

Scott | $156.07

Thank you for all your hard work!

Ruben & Jo Anne Rios | $104.15

Thank you so much for the awesome ramp built for my Dad!

Terry | $104.15

Liam Bolster

San Antonio Central Region

Pepper Mueller | $104.15

Allison | $208

San Antonio Central Region

Martin and Nancy Ross

Cynthia Hardin | $104.15


Hilti North America | $623.36

For the Hilti Volunteer Build Day in Dallas, TX

Jessica and Dennis Jennings Hannusch

In memory of Jay Jennings. My dad was so passionate about serving TRP in the Austin Community.

Anonymous | $15.89


This donation from Vistra and ERG Vistrability is to support your efforts of building ramps for those in need in the Dallas region.


Thank you so much for your dedication of time and knowledge to build my ramp. Such a blessing.