





The challenges of Covid-19 have created new opportunities and an expanded vision, as we transition into virtual programming. Thankfully, we have not lost our ability to serve, even with social distancing. Meeting our fundraising goals will empower us to expand our reach, as well as the depth of our programming, through the 2021 launch of The Respect Academy.  With your help and generous donation, this vision can come to FRUITION!!!

*Coronovirus Update:
Team Respect has been blessed to have distributed over 8,500 KN95 respirator masks to the most vulnerable among us. Donations were made to non-profits on the front lines of food distribution, homeless assistance, youth work, and small staffed Assisted Living Facilities.

Other donations were made directly to individuals and students. 

Given the huge risk the COVID-19 has presented to us, it was a privilege for Team Respect to serve some of the most at-risk residents of Miami-Dade County.

                                                                                              Donating masks to Camillus House, Booker T Washington's 1st State Championship ring, Booker T pre-game talk

New City Miami Inc, dba Team Respect, is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 83-3395745. All donations are tax-deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.