Tea for Two Sponsor

Just $56 a month will provide two women complete care for one day and night.  We need 30 supporters like you to commit to 1 night of care each month for two women for two years.  Thank you for being part of providing healing and care through your gift.  Together we can change two women's lives forever! (Single annual payments will not be renewed annually without permission)

The Villages of Hope is a non profit 501(3)c organization. Your donation is tax deductible. EIN 37-2003812

Donor Wall 6

Sherlene | $1,344/Y

Thank you for having HIS heart!!!


Debra Brozek | $56/M

Julie Keiling | $112/M

This is only the beginning 💖

Leslie | $56/M

Tara Patten | $56/M

Thank you for all you do! Looking forward to the tour of the Capitol