Te Kotuku Maternity Unit - Human Milk Bank






Helping Hands, Changing Lives


Rotary Whangārei South are raising funds to support the Te Kotuku maternity unit in setting up a human milk bank.

The target of $32,000 would assist in the purchase of a Sterifed T30 Pasteuriser. 

Rotary Whangārei South facilitating an orchid fundraiser

Donated pasteurised breastmilk is important for feeding sick and premature infants when lactating mothers do not have a sufficient milk supply for their infant’s nutritional needs.

Breastmilk is particularly important for babies who have been born prematurely or are unwell requiring admission to the Neonatal Unit. These babies have higher nutritional and immunity needs. 

When a mother’s own milk is not available a milk bank offers support by providing screened and pasteurised donor milk during the time the mother will be establishing lactation. Donated breastmilk is a precious resource that is gifted by healthy breastfeeding mothers, who have breastmilk surplus to their needs. 

Breastfeeding mothers go through a thorough screening process and after a health and lifestyle screen, they are required to have blood screening done too. 

We pasteurise the milk and have that available for our sick and preterm babies. 

Talei Anderson, pictured here and above with her four-day-old Baby, Tui, has an excess supply of breastmilk and said, "I would happily donate to a milk bank if one was available."

Your donation will make a real impact on the lives of others. Please donate today to help Rotary Whangārei South in their quest to support their community.  

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What a wonderful initiative!