16.7 million Syrians are in need of assistance, the highest since the conflict began 13 years ago. MedGlobal is on the ground providing urgent healthcare relief and making a sustainable impact for Syrians affected by the healthcare crisis.
Since 2017, MedGlobal has been at the forefront of providing sustainable healthcare services in Syria, making a lasting difference in the lives of those affected by the ongoing conflict.
Over the last two years (March 2022 – June 2024), MedGlobal has reached 355,224 individuals in Syria, providing essential medical care, 10,918 mental health consultations, and 22,583 critical referrals.
Our vaccination campaigns have protected 7,804 people from preventable diseases. With extensive nutrition screenings identifying 158,502 at-risk individuals, our programs have facilitated the recovery of 2,328 malnourished people, including children and pregnant/lactating women.
Your support is truly what allows us to continue this vital work. Join MedGlobal now and support our mission to deliver sustainable hope and healthcare to Syrians who need us most.
Donate Now to Save Lives.