AVSI-USA's Turkey and Syria Earthquake Relief Fund

After providing aid in the immediate aftermath of the emergency, 

AVSI continues working in Aleppo to provide psycho-social support 

and essential items to people affected by the Turkey-Syria earthquake.

“In Aleppo, the situation is dramatic: the city is destroyed, so many families have lost their homes. People do not have the strength to face yet another emergency after the war, economic sanctions, financial crisis, COVID, and cholera.” Filippo Agostino, AVSI Syria country representative. 

Recovery is extremely complicated in a war-torn and isolated country. AVSI stands committed to accompany Syrians as they get back on their feet. Our next goals are:

  • Restore 37 houses
  • Continue supporting 1,500 families with basic needs
  • Offer psychological support to 600 people
  • Continue to provide free medication to people who have been permanently injured by the earthquake

Can we count on you now as Syrians journey towards recovery? A free warm meal, sharing trauma, or a secure roof above the head can be life-changing to someone who lost everything. Whether you commit to a recurring annual donation or a small monthly contribution, your support will help bring new hope to those who are still hurting. Help us stay present in Syria!

Learn more: https://avsi-usa.org/turkey-syria-earthquake-updates-from-aleppo/