Supporting Nevada Esports Education League






Nevada Esports Education League (NEEL) is a nonprofit organization that educates, empowers students through esports, video game design, streaming, coding, broadcasting, and computer skills. NEEL also encourages networking, helping  find volunteer opportunities, and learning computer skills within our diverse community.

Our focus is building esports with the Nevada community and supporting a consistent Nevada esports curriculum. 

Your donation supports our cause to ensure students are able to build their career of esports and work in a career that they are deeply passionate in. 

Nevada Esports Education League is a 501c3 and all donations will lead to exemptions to certain taxes.

Donor Wall21

WorldWinner | $1,000

Jaret Reyes | $31.67

From a private citizen to the public good. Go E-Sports!

Cirimille | $52.37

Always follow your dreams!!! Don’t ever give up on yourself. Whatever is calling you is meant for you.


Cameron | $21.29

Ryan | $52.37

For the kidzzzzzz!!!!

Hunter Cain | $104.42


Great work

Shantell | $104.39

Sierra | $10.72

Blitz XP | $239.77

Red Note of Las Vegas | $100

Digital Currency Traders Alliance



Ryan Smith | $52.32

Linda Johnson-McClinton

Konsole Kingz

Stephan Hwang | $10


You’re doing amazing things! So proud to support!

Black Rose LLC | $104.15

Jarod | $26.41