Supporting Campbell Farm Animal Sanctuary
Welcome to Campbell Farm Animal Sanctuary. We are a Nonprofit organization dedicated to rescuing abused and neglected farm animals. The majority of our rescues are horses that were bound for slaughter. The horses arrive at the sanctuary emaciated and usually with some sort of bacterial or respiratory infection. We immediately evaluate the rescues and with the help of our Veterinarian, determine the best course of treatment. With medical care, food, and love, the rescues transform into confident and loving creatures.
They will spend out their lives at the sanctuary knowing nothing but love. We want to continue our mission of rescuing these precious souls but we need your help. Please consider donating to the sanctuary, any amount helps and is greatly appreciated. Your donation is tax deductible.
Donor Wall 8
Jenn Zappia | $100
Glenna | $25
Amy Robinson | $20
Hope this helps you get Crockett. I wish it could be more.
Faedra Schleif | $50
Love you guys and what you are doing fot these animals in their time of need! 💙💙💙💙
Faedra Schleif | $100
We freaking love you guys. Happy Valentines Day from me and Steve! 💙
Jessica | $100
Sharym | $10/M