Change the lives of immigrant students!






After almost four years running after-school programs for immigrant youth in the DC area, I have met so many talented and hard-working young folks who face many barriers to achieving their goals.

Many of my students work multiple jobs while in high school. Others have to take care of their siblings while their parents work long hours. Others serve as unofficial translators and tutors for their family and friends who are learning English. All are eager to learn about the opportunities available to them in the US, and work as hard as they need to to succeed. 

Unfortunately, many young people don't have the financial means to attend college and can easily get stuck in a job they were hoping was only temporary. Additionally, many are the first in their families to attend college and were it not for the mentorship provided by The Esperanza Education Fund, they would quickly become discouraged by the confusing bureaucracy of the US college system. 

I have a goal of raising $5,000. This would provide a life-changing scholarship a young person who might not otherwise be able to attend community college. This initial investment in their education, in addition to the mentorship provided by Esperanza, will multiply its impact through the many opportunities opened in their future.

Contributions to the Esperanza Education Fund (EIN: 26-4035461), a non-profit 501(c)(3), are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.