Support CTF End of Year Giving


Make an end of the year donation to CTF! Your tax deductible donation directly funds our work providing up to $7,500 matching funds for workers injured or killed on the job, and $2,000 Emergency Relief Grants for workers who lose their home due to natural disaster. Contributions also support $2,500 Fallen Worker Grants to defray immediate funeral costs for the family.

Agustin Cervantes Memorial Fund and $2,500 Fallen Worker Grant

Kenneth Guinn Fire Relief Fund and $2,000 Emergency Relief Grant recipient

Your generous contributions also support our CTF Scholarship program which currently has 47 scholarships. 

Cameron McGowan, $1,000 CTF Partnered Caltrans District 11 DAC Scholarship Winner 2023

Isabella Quenga, $1,500 CTF Endowed G. Langsner Memorial Scholarship Winner 2023

CTF is a 501c(3) charitable organization tax ID number is 68-0165257. Your donation is tax deductible. CTF will provide you with a letter for tax purposes for all donations of $250 or more.