Support Cello Springs Festival 2019!

We invite you to give kindly to support the third year of the CELLO SPRINGS FESTIVAL, the team-project of Lisa and Miriam Liske-Doorandish. Encouraged by incredibly positive feedback following our first two festivals in 2017 and 2018, the third Cello Springs Festival will take place in Yellow Springs, Ohio from January 2-12, 2019.

CSF is a celebration of the cello, an event through which to explore the different ways this instrument connects people. Some important components of our vision:

• Cello Springs Festival 2019 will be a forum for cellists to deepen their work through focused time with other like-minded artists - simultaneously a community outreach events and an incubator for musical growth over ten days of practicing, workshops, playing, and performing.

•7-8 cellists will comprise the core group, with up to two dozen other musicians joining in as satellite players for large ensemble concerts. Ranging from young musicians just beginning their careers to seasoned professionals, these artists will gather from both the U.S. and abroad. There will also be an apprentice position for a dedicated young cellist in the 10-18 age range.

•CSF will offer free concerts in a range of different settings. We aim to connect general audiences with the cello repertoire, provide educational opportunities for local students, bring music to the retirement community, and collaborate with artists and poets in the Yellow Springs area.

We hope you will support this opportunity for musicians to work together and bring relevant, moving music to the world. In addition to financial support, you can contribute by traveling to Yellow Springs to hear our concerts, or by volunteering to help with practical aspects of running this festival (i.e. media and publicity, hosting musicians/cooking meals, and office work). Please email [email protected] if you wish to participate in any way!

Thank you!
Lisa & Miriam

We are an unincorporated non-profit, and donations are currently NOT tax-deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution. All donations are freely made.