Support TreePAC and urban forests!

TreePAC's mission is to influence Seattle and other local governments to protect, maintain and increase their urban forests while also supporting options for more affordable housing where people live, work, and raise families. 


Trees and urban forests are central to maintaining healthy, livable cities. Development pressures, without consideration for maximizing the retention of existing trees and planting new trees, are removing essential nature and green infrastructure from our cities. We can have both trees and more affordable housing options with better development planning and stronger tree and urban forest protection laws.  


We are asking for your help - in whatever amount you can give - to keep TreePAC working to protect our trees and urban forests.  

Thanks for your support.


PLEASE NOTE: Donations of $250 or more legally must include: Employer, City, State and Occupation - it's a public disclosure requirement. 

We greatly appreciate your financial support in any amount. Please note that due to public disclosure requirements, if you donate more than $100, we need your address and employer information. Again, THANK YOU!