Support the sustainability of the Umzobo Wam after school art program

The Umzobo Wam after school art program began as a small operation, supported by the generous donations of art materials and cameras from friends and family in Australia. Now, due to its overwhelming success, we are making every effort to sustain the program as an ongoing free community service. We are grateful for any support toward our efforts to sustain and grow the Umzobo Wam program which is fulfilling a need in the Gqebera community. WHERE DOES YOUR DONATION GO? 100% of the donations go towards supporting the sustainability of the Umzobo Wam after school art program - Art materials - Daily snack for the children (bread, a topping and drink) - A thank you to our local Gqebera Umzobo Wam volunteers. We are currently doing this by way of giving a small weekly amount of phone and data credit. - Transaction fees (2.9% + 30c for credit card transactions, which is as low as we could do) MORE INFORMATION The Umzobo Wam after school art program was established on February 8th as part of the four week Umzobo Wam Art initiative based in Gqebera (Walmer) Township, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Between Monday and Thursday, the program provides a safe space for children, who have been identified as coming from disadvantaged and vulnerable homes, to engage in art and educational games, as well as receive help with their homework. First and foremost, the program encourages these children to recognise that they have a right to self expression. The space and art materials that we provide then give them a means to constructively express themselves through art and photography. We also give a small snack and drink which not only keeps them focused but, in the case of some children, ensures that they don't go to be bed on an empty stomach. All of those involved in the Umzobo Wam after school program are working on a voluntary basis. Each afternoon, these Gqebera locals generously donate their skills and time to supporting the children.