Thank you for supporting The Pencil Pusher!
As an author/illustrator, I get to connect with students once in a while through school visits, but I get to have an ongoing connection with kids via The Pencil Pusher – a hold-it-in-your-hands-REAL-full-color newspaper all about how creative problem-solving is sometimes messy, but always worth it!
As a supporter, you will be helping me get The Pencil Pusher produced and mailed to kids, classrooms, and libraries all over the USA - 2-3 times a year at no cost to them. (As of now, there are 6,000 kids subscribed - and growing!)
Sign up to receive it yourself :) Thanks for helping me fund this ongoing publication of my heart!
What your donation can do...
Pays to print and mail one issue to 180 kids!
Pays to print and mail one to 360 kids!