Support our films with Francis Chan
Deidox needs support on their follow-up projects to Free Burma Rangers, including a feature film about Francis Chan and his search for the miracle we need.
We have been quietly filming a movie with Francis Chan. Here's a video update from our founder, Brent, about his recent journey and the projects we need support for:
The Francis Chan production has been eye-opening and inspiring. But, we are in-between major funding phases and need your support. To use a metaphor, there is a gap, but on the other side we can see a beautiful path if we could just get there. We need a “bridge” to get us across.
As Brent stated above, we need support for the feature and another project with Francis:
(1) The Francis Chan Movie [Filming in November & December] - We have been filming a feature documentary offering a rare glimpse into the life of one of the last standing Christian mega-speakers, Francis Chan, as he looks for a modern day miracle for us all. Initial production was funded and completed, resulting in around 50 days of filming over the past 20 months.
But, we are now in need of funding to film with Francis in November & December. As things in our country seem to be “ratcheting up” (election craziness, cultural craziness, economy craziness, etc) we would like to connect Francis’ story to the bigger culture narratives that are currently playing out in our country. Since these are conversations all of us are facing it would be great to include it in the film and learn, "As the world seems to get crazier, how does Francis deal with it?"
(2) The Unity Project [Pilot Preproduction] - During the filming of the above feature, the relationship and mutual trust with Francis built to a point where we also developed a joint docu-series called The Unity Project. In each episode of this series (30-40 min), Francis Chan will visit with a ministry leader from a different “segment” or “stream” of Christianity and hopefully model unity, under God, for us all. We need to spend the next two months preparing the series and pilot production. Your support would make that possible.
To be honest, the above two projects hang in the balance and your support is needed to not only continue but to do it well.
Lord willing, next year. We are aiming for the projects to come out in mid and late 2023. That being said, as with any documentary film production, the timeline could shift as things progress.
Thanks again for your interest and support. We couldn't do this work without you. Pairing our storytelling style with the gifts of Francis has been a blessing that we can’t wait to share with the world.
Jesus is better,
Deidox Films
If you haven't heard of Francis there is a LOT about him online and on YouTube. He's an internationally known speaker and author who lives a much more faithful life than you might imagine. Here is a clip from one of his sermons that got quite a bit of "attention" a few years ago:
Pairing the teaching of Francis (i.e. above video) with our Deidox storytelling style is something that has us tremendously excited.
Deidox Films is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. See our work at All of our films are made possible by generous donors and supporters. All donations to Deidox Films are tax deductible. 100% of all gifts go to help tell the story of God’s work in the world.
Donations by check can be written to Deidox Films and mailed to:
Deidox Films, Inc
10900 Research Blvd. 160-C
Austin, TX 78759
If you are sending a check and want the total to immediately be reflected in the above donation total, please send an email to