Support the Borscht Belt Museum

All donations are tax deductible. The nonprofit Committee for a Catskills Resort Museum is a registered 501c3, and its annual reports are on file the New York State Department of State.

Donor Wall 74

Barbara Demick | $208.54


My Grandparents ran the Hotel Ganz in Loch Sheldrake and I remember them and cherish our extended family of guests and workers who joined us every summer for a warm supportive community that honored our shared joy


Shekey Greene | $250

Marlene Rhodes | $250

In Honor of Holiday Homes Bungalows and 70 fantastic fun years for our family! Marlene and Philip Rhodes

Lori Fuchs-Meyers | $37.79

Sharon | $100

Wishing the museum great success. Love the concept!

Marilyn J. Sperber

My parents met at the Waldemere Hotel in Livingston Manor in 1945.


Bobby Johnson, Junior was the first black musician to play in a Catskill mountain hotel show band. For the first time he performed with everyone from Duke Ellington to Ella Fitzgerald but his proudest moment with being the first black musician in a Catskill mountain showman

Craig Rexford | $10

Evelyn & David Rosenthal | $104.42

Anne Edgar

Efrem Wietschner | $18

Happy to see an interest in preserving the history of the Catskills

David Coleman | $250

Huge friend of your friend Paul Bartoloni and he told me about your wonderful project - congrats and good luck!

Jonathan Golub | $52.37

Eric Geier | $52.37

Michael Cohen

jill edelstein

Ariel Levinson-Waldman

Thank you for lifting up this wonderful history and humor. Humor is an essential part of my family's way of being Jewish and navigating the world/

Barbara | $25

Anonymous | $260.59

Rick Nahmias | $260.59

Seth Greenky | $100

Mazel Tov! From the organ player from the rock band, "The Shape of Thyngs." 1966 (Avon Lodge and The Flagler); 1967 (The Brickman). We all agree, the best time of our lives.


Many memories - all wonderful. Even today, I try to recreate the dairy lunch I remember so well.

Lori Bosses

Lots of luck with the museum!

Norman & Janice Levin | $1,000

Andrea Burns Peter Flynn

Mazel tov and onward! Andrea Burns & Peter Flynn

randolph wexler | $52.37

Mary and Sam Pittinsky | $18

Benek Bolender | $18