UAW Local 1391 ON STRIKE






Despite their efforts to negotiate a fair and reasonable agreement with CVR Nitrogen, UAW Local 1391 members were faced with a choice - to accept a contract that didn’t account for years of inflation and left things like 401(k) matching up to the whim of the employer, or to strike in hopes of achieving defined terms of compensation and reasonable wage increases. 

UAW members in Region 4 are no stranger to a fight and as such, Local 1391 took the fight to rural northwest Illinois! 

What they’re asking for isn’t greedy or outlandish. They want respectable wage increases and terms and conditions of their 401(k) match, not just whatever the boss feels like. 

Please join them in this latest  round of the fight between the rich and the rest! 

Federal law prohibits the UAW soliciting or collecting any funds or other thing of value from any employer with whom it has or may have a collective bargaining relationship. If you are employed in a managerial or executive position, or as a labor relations expert, advisor, or consultant, by an employer or related entity that: (a) has a collective bargaining agreement with the UAW, or with whom the UAW is recognized or certified as the authorized bargaining representative of its employees, (b) that is the subject of an actual or planned organizing drive by the UAW, or (c) that is engaged in an industry or line of business in which the UAW has traditionally represented or sought to represent or would admit to membership its employees, then you MAY NOT contribute to this fundraising drive, and the UAW will not accept any contributions from you. UAW policy also prohibits the solicitation or collection of funds from vendors with whom the UAW has a business relationship. If you are employed by such vendor and have authority to make financial decisions for the vendor, or to direct that the vendor make financial contributions, you MAY NOT contribute to this fundraising drive, and the UAW will not accept any contributions from you.

Donor Wall13

Cora Roelofs | $20

Solidarity from Massachusetts.

Mandy Ruiz | $500

Members of Local 2096 send their support!

Joel Feingold

Solidarity! Give 'em hell.

Patrick Burke

Solidarity from Massachusetts union sisters and brothers!

Joe | $10

Solidarity from the Twin Cities

Brad SCHWANDA | $100

Jason Barlow | $100

Susan Steigerwalt | $50

Kelli Harrison | $100

In Solidarity✊

Hector Pagan | $100

Thank you for fighting the good fight

Bill McKay | $50

Daniel Sanders | $50

Keep Strong carry on!

Darin Gilley | $50