Help improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people
Will you help improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people?
While much progress has been made in recent times, there is still a long way to go.
After five years campaining for a full ban on conversion therapy, the UK Government has still not published the draft legislation. During this time, thousand of LGBTQ+ people in the UK have been suffering due to these harmful attempts to 'cure' us.
No more delays. No more loopholes. Conversion therapy is not therapy, it's abuse. And it needs to end - now!
Will you help by donating today?
We won’t stop working until all LGBTQ+ people everywhere are free to be ourselves and love who we love. We will continue to lobby for policy changes at the highest levels, supporting LGBTQ+ people throughout our lives – whether this be in education, workplaces, or healthcare.
Will you help create a world where all lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace people are safe, happy, and thriving?
We all have a part to play in creating a world where everyone, everywhere can be themselves. Your support can make all the difference.
Please donate today and play your part in building a better tomorrow for LGBTQ+ people.
Muro de Donantes1701
Sean Woodman | £80
World Cup Sweepstake Winnings Donated
Dominic | £124,87
Donation from our world cup sweepstake
KirstyRiceArt is donating a portion of profits made during the World Cup 2022
Me and my 3 younger siblings have all slowly descovered we're within the LGBTQ+ community in one way or another (3 ace, 2 trans, 1 pan). Then I learnt of the hardships my two trans nonbinary siblings go through to get gender affirming treatments, and heard of the existance of conversion camps in the UK, and various transphobic/homophobic laws and policies being pushed forward by bigotted law makers and biased media. I also watched online creators speak on their experiences, and saw how prevelant and pervasive these issues are. I realised it wasn't enough to counter discrimination when I find it in person, but that I needed to do something more and help change the larger world politics that are far bigger than me with far wider reaching consequences. Everyone deserves to be happy, to be themselves, and to love whoever and however they want to love. It's not fair that only some people can do that currently, and others risk discrimination, hatred, jail time, or even death in some places because of who they love.
Alexandra Mascord | £21,23
Merry Christmas Harriet, love Lex, Ad & Mez xxx
Lewis Henson | £20
Conal Murphy | £104,10
It's the holiday season and I think LGBTQ+ folks need all the support they can get right now. Here's hoping to a brighter future for everyone ❤️❤️❤️
Mirren | £100
Thank you for your support for trans kids and their families.
Park Place Pub | £119,68
Donated by the patrons of the Park Place Pub in Ruthin North Wales during the World Cup Tournament m
Zoe | £31,41
Winnings from my work WC sweepstake - if it had to be in Qatar then donating to a charity standing up for marginalised groups in this country deserves this money more than me.
Eden Jefford | £10,64
Instead of buying and sending cards for christmas this year I’m donating the money I would have spent.
Russ Williams @ Yahoo | £43,87
Ian | £26,22
I watched the World Cup. Donations to you & Amnesty International.
Kirstie | £10
With love to everyone at Christmas from the Jones Family xx
Euan | £52,32
Happy Christmas Zach, you little bundle of joy !
Ross | £10,64
From the Walker-Reid family
Stephen Hughes | £95
World Cup Sweepstake Donation
Daniel Eade | £34,53
Splitting my World Cup Sweepstakes winnings between good causes that would piss off the Qatari government, and I greatly respect the work that you do.
Lucy Bailey-Wright | £104,12
To commemorate the Scottish Gender Recognition reform bill and to support our Trans siblings by continue education.
Frenkel Topping
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer | £75
Stephen | £52,32
I wanted to give to Stonewall, to balance the bad "karma" of the World Cup in Qatar. I am straight.
Iain | £80
I bought a sweepstake ticket for the world cup. I didn't belive it should be in Qatar in the first place. I don't like football any more and the loss of life in preparation for the tournament and their homophobia compounded my digust for the tournament. I therefore decided that if I won anything, I'd give it to Stonewall. I drew Argentina, so here are my winnings.
Tricia | £50
Caledonian Netball Club | £104,10
Bake Sale from Caledonian Netball Club
Max | £80
From the River Island MW sweepstake!
Supporting the fight for equal rights in Ukraine and elsewhere!
Thornton & Lowe Limited | £167,54
A donation on behalf of Thornton & Lowe Limited in support of the #ProudStadium campaign.