Help improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people
Will you help improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people?
While much progress has been made in recent times, there is still a long way to go.
After five years campaining for a full ban on conversion therapy, the UK Government has still not published the draft legislation. During this time, thousand of LGBTQ+ people in the UK have been suffering due to these harmful attempts to 'cure' us.
No more delays. No more loopholes. Conversion therapy is not therapy, it's abuse. And it needs to end - now!
Will you help by donating today?
We won’t stop working until all LGBTQ+ people everywhere are free to be ourselves and love who we love. We will continue to lobby for policy changes at the highest levels, supporting LGBTQ+ people throughout our lives – whether this be in education, workplaces, or healthcare.
Will you help create a world where all lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace people are safe, happy, and thriving?
We all have a part to play in creating a world where everyone, everywhere can be themselves. Your support can make all the difference.
Please donate today and play your part in building a better tomorrow for LGBTQ+ people.
Muro de donantes 1701
Elliot | £31,59
It's my birthday today and I'm non-binary! I can't think of a better gift to myself than supporting an organisation that has done so much for people like myself. Keep up the stirling work.
Timotei | £36,61
Thank you for all you do for our community
Fliss Parsons | £52,19
Celebrating love, in honour of Jim and Molly xxx
Cara E.J. Designs | £13
On behalf of Cara E.J. Designs, from sales of the ALIGN hoop earrings
Wayne Paola | £104,11
Solidarity to all LGBTQ+ individuals wherever they may be
David Sherwell | £104,12
Piers Beckley | £10,87
Another transphobic opinion piece from Sonia Sodha in the Guardian, another donation.
Leslie Tate | £52,21
I was rung up by Stratcom and persauded to donate. I wanted ALL the money to go to Stonewall, so I chose this method, rather than go through them.
Chloe | £150
I raised these funds from doing the great north run. I know these funds will be going to a good cause
Nigel | £52,32
George. A very good friend passed away at the good old age of 89 years. Taught me much about being gay in the UK in his lifetime.
Darts Corner
From all the team and customers at Darts Corner for the Rainbow Laces Campaign.
Kate | £250
Mid Kent Mind
Mid Kent Mind held a fundraising day for Stonewall and it helped to educate members of staff on LGBTQ+ issues.
The Silver Spoon Compnany | £143,30
Mark Pavlika | £21,23
Great work all
Beate McBurnie | £10,65
Good work!
Cash donations for Equali-tea bake sale held by Arla HQ Leeds
Martin Hough | £140,42
Fundraising event held at Ashfield School Post 16
Anonymous | £10,65
I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community and I would like to help my community in any way possible
Molson Coors Brewery | £42,86
With love from Molson Coors Brewery
Fabrice | £1.600
Thank you for all your efforts - keep fighting!
Co-Op Warsash | £20
Donation on behalf of the customers at Co-Op Warsash
Yogscast Ltd | £2.614,02
Madleine Camilleri | €12,94
For my dear friends, I love you all.
Jack | £10,65/M
Lizz Truss' incipient wave of bigotry prompted this
Deborah | £10,87
I am a tour guide in London. Second tour of the day, a three hour private tour for some American women. This particular tour goes through some big touristy areas, but also some quieter, more residential areas. It becomes quickly apparent that the women on my tour are the very conservative, "Christian" kind. Could make the tour a bit awkward, but I generally know how to keep them sweet, talking a lot about the various religious buildings in London and so forth, and to begin with it's all going fine. About halfway through, during the period where we're in a quieter area, they suddenly come out a whole tirade of homophobic, biphobic, transphobic abuse, Westboro Baptist Church level shit. And I just... freeze. Obviously they have not realised that I'm part of the community myself, and while there is a possibility that if I confront them they'll just shut up, there's also a very real possibility that it could get... worse. And be directed specifically at me rather than the community in general. And put my own safety at risk. Bear in mind this is a private tour, there are no other guests to ensure my safety, and we're on a quiet street with no one else around. So instead, I just try continuously to change the topic, and eventually they let me. I rush through the rest of the tour as quickly as I can so I can get rid of them ASAP. The fiery part of me that would usually confront someone in a situation like this is internally screaming, but I DO NOT FEEL SAFE in this situation as it is, let alone if I outed myself. But I will have the last laugh. At the end of the tour, they gave me a £10 tip. Well thank you but I'm not accepting it as a tip, rather I'm accepting it as a £10 donation to Stonewall. Thank you for your kind donation ladies, I'm sure it will be gratefully received!
Richard Porter | £5,46/M