Help improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people
Will you help improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people?
While much progress has been made in recent times, there is still a long way to go.
After five years campaining for a full ban on conversion therapy, the UK Government has still not published the draft legislation. During this time, thousand of LGBTQ+ people in the UK have been suffering due to these harmful attempts to 'cure' us.
No more delays. No more loopholes. Conversion therapy is not therapy, it's abuse. And it needs to end - now!
Will you help by donating today?
We won’t stop working until all LGBTQ+ people everywhere are free to be ourselves and love who we love. We will continue to lobby for policy changes at the highest levels, supporting LGBTQ+ people throughout our lives – whether this be in education, workplaces, or healthcare.
Will you help create a world where all lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace people are safe, happy, and thriving?
We all have a part to play in creating a world where everyone, everywhere can be themselves. Your support can make all the difference.
Please donate today and play your part in building a better tomorrow for LGBTQ+ people.
Muro de Donantes1701
Mari Kerr
Donation on behalf of Glynn & Colin who are celebrating their wedding on 6th August! Love you lots, Mari & Craig xx
Jason O'Toole | £10,87
This is in the name of a Twitter bigot: Fargot Watson. Much love to an amazing cause xx
Jackie Newell | £10,64
My daughter accused me of homophobia and felt unable to explanation her gay identity to me. It breaks my heart that she felt this way.
Stone Junction Limited | £489
James Ashton | £5
Stonewall is very close to my heart, and even in these tough times, I couldn't not give something. We keep rising as a community and it makes me so proud!
Derby College | £100
From Derby College and their LGBT+ Society for the academic year 21/22
Luis | £10,87
Thank you for continuing to fight for a world where I am free to be myself, and love my girlfriend.
Stonewall Spirits | £800
LGBAlliance and Rowling et al WILL NOT WIN! Here’s my little support today to make sure that doesn’t happy ❤️. Happy bday JK 😘
Sarah | $21,23
This comment is in honour of noted transphobe JK Rowling's birthday today.
Rosemary | £10,87
Happy Birthday JK Rowling <3
Chris | £40
Steven Stewart | £10,64/M
Fuck the Terfs
Kim | £104,12
Well done for standing up to the TERFs. I've no doubt this won't be the end of it; keep fighting for LGBTQ+ rights ✊
Bertrand | £124,87
Bethany | £36,77
Anonymous | £10,87
Congratulations on your court victory over the terf in chief
Robert Gilroy | £10,87
ATGtickets | £21
From ATGtickets Equali-Tea party too !
Matt | £41,95
Damian Belson | £62,68
Central London Humanists would like to donate the £60 proceeds from the bar at their recent live speaker event "LGBTQ Equality - Banning conversion therapy for all" to Stonewall
ATGtickets | £179
From ATGtickets Equali-Tea party!
Appreciate your tireless work against constant hatred & abuse every day.
In congratulation for your win today and to help challenge the mass-misrepresentation you're enduring on social media.
Steve Wardlaw | £41,80
Congratulations on your win against Allison Bailey
Associated British Ports
Such a worth while charity!
Harrogate Ladies College | £51,33
Raised by the Business students at Harrogate Ladies College during an Ethical Enterprise fundraising event.
Alp | £40
Growing up as a closeted gay kid, Stonewall was the main organisation I saw that was campaigning, educating, telling people it was ok to be gay and trying to end homophobic bullying in schools. Trying to stop LGBT kids like me from endless abuse. The amount Stonewall has done for LGBT acceptance in the UK is unparalleled. That's not even mentioning the life-saving good it continues to do (like when it worked with the government to help evacuate LGBT Afghans from certain death). Seeing people try to take down this organisation is extremely upsetting.
Anonymous | £10/M
Coming to terms with supporting my wonderful son on his journey to self understanding and love
Angoraram | £20