Help improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people
Will you help improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people?
While much progress has been made in recent times, there is still a long way to go.
After five years campaining for a full ban on conversion therapy, the UK Government has still not published the draft legislation. During this time, thousand of LGBTQ+ people in the UK have been suffering due to these harmful attempts to 'cure' us.
No more delays. No more loopholes. Conversion therapy is not therapy, it's abuse. And it needs to end - now!
Will you help by donating today?
We won’t stop working until all LGBTQ+ people everywhere are free to be ourselves and love who we love. We will continue to lobby for policy changes at the highest levels, supporting LGBTQ+ people throughout our lives – whether this be in education, workplaces, or healthcare.
Will you help create a world where all lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace people are safe, happy, and thriving?
We all have a part to play in creating a world where everyone, everywhere can be themselves. Your support can make all the difference.
Please donate today and play your part in building a better tomorrow for LGBTQ+ people.
Muro de Donantes1701
Melissa Hamilton | £10,64
Peter Harding | £10
We have achieved a lot but there is still much to be done to help and support LGBT+ people.
Kieran Stephen
Huntercombe Hospital, Stafford | £85,05
Raised by the patients on Wedgwood Ward, Huntercombe Hospital Stafford. Patients held a fundraising event and sold hand-decorated, Pride-themed plant pots.
BT | £100
We held a raffle during Pride month to raise funds for this very important cause. Love from all at BT Voice Services, Dundee.
Student Finance Wales
Student Finance Wales
Anonymous | £21,03
I have decided that everytime my transphobic mother, who was an ally until she was radicalised by JKR, does or says something transphobic, I will donate to a trans charity.
Target Wrestling | £100
A donation made from Target wrestling from pride T-shirts!
Ryuuza | £100
I took ink commissions of people's LGBT characters during Pride Month, with 50% of all proceeds going to Stonewall and we managed to raise £100 together. :)
Kaz | £70
33 Boho Rainbow Blanket crochet patterns sold for £2 each, rounded up to the nearest £10 - thank you to all the buyers!
The Leggers Inn | £441,59
Thank you for everything you do! We were happy to support and hope to make it a yearly event! From The Leggers Inn, Rochelle & Chloe!
Justin Davis
Edinburgh Pub crawl received £97.90 in donations over pride. We matched the donation and rounded up.
Willow | £10,64
Create meaningful chaos.
Lucy Robertson
Thank you stonwall for helping to create a better future for my friends and I :)
Emma | £20
Money raised by Em J Art & Glass through sales throughout June
Roger | £10,64
Emma Thorne sent me.
Caroline | £15
Thank you for all you do, and especially for your support for the trans community
Jess Hindley | £104,12
For your hard work defending LGBT+ people, especially trans people at a time when their rights are being challenged every day
Shannon Janise | £52,18
Charlotte | £31,41
Big love to the LGBTQ+ community and to Stonewall for all the work they do.
jack | £30
Homebargains | £37,93
Rawtenstall homebargains donations for a non uniform day
Handmade By Molly | £47,14
Anonymous | £33,30
Greenheart Consulting | £41,80
Bidnamic | £164,50
Nicola Dalley | £210,02
On behalf of the employees of KierBAM at HPC who held a bake sale in celebration of Pride
Bloody Mary Metal Jewellery Ltd | £686
From sales of our limited edition releases, in support of Pride month.
Boots Opticians Didcot | £68,63
As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, I decided to start a fundraiser for Pride Month at Boots Opticians in Didcot where I work. I’ve successfully raised £68.63!
Toby | £31,59