For the past ten years, the Weekly has produced original, local reporting for the South Side of Chicago and distributed it for free in print and online. Reader support helps makes this work possible. Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation today.
To donate via check:
South Side Weekly
6100 S Blackstone Ave
Chicago, IL 60637
Checks should be made payable to "South Side Weekly NFP"
Donor Wall46
Patrick Gallardo | $26.34
Las Damas de Belmont Cragin | $10.72/M
I met a journalist over the Summer at a Young Lords event. I was happy to see a Latina journalist and would love for someone from the newspaper to come talk to our youth on the North Side about independent journalism. Happy to support! Make 2024 the best year ever.
Ezra | $5/M
John F Arenas | $52.23
Jill Petty
Beuford Fourte' | $25
Great Journalism 👍
Joanna Przybyl | $311.84
Great work, South Side Weekly! Immense appreciation for all people working there. Keep your honest and so important job.
Joe Germuska | $52.23
Robert Field | $104.15
South Side Weekly forever <3
Sarah Regester | $5.50/M
Steven Healey | $31.37
I just read the story about the solar powered Love Fridge. I did not know about it. This is good journalism and I would like to support your work. Thank you.
Nick Eliopulos | $10.66
Thrive, Southside Weekly! Viva, Nonprofit journalism!
Maxwell | $20/M
For ongoing support of investigative journalism supporting the south side, and in recognition of the great work you have already produced exposing corruption and betrayal of public trust.
Anonymous | $500
Very grateful for South Side Weekly!
Robert Field | $52.07
Alex Griffin-Little | $10.66/M
This is for John Rosenquist and Lucy Geglio, who always appreciate serious and progressive local news
Erik Hanson | $50/Y
Marcella Ellis | $100
Thank you for your journalism. Long past time to turn our backs on those “news” orgs who continue to blame victims and their families and communities.
Allen Linton II
We need more honest, grounded, and meaningful reporting. And storytelling. Keep doing the necessary work for us all.
Karen | $25
Courtney Hull | $500
Keep up the great work! Grateful for you
Negin Almassi
Kent | $10/M
Hyper-local news reporting is crucial in ensuring underrepresented and often discarded stories are told.
Gee Black | $25
What does ReInvestment Look Like is a very well researched and structured piece.