Support Racial Equity & Justice!
Racial Equity and Justice Organization (REJ) was founded and is operated by Black, Brown, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC). We are an alliance of BIPOC utilizing a solution based approach to educate the greater community on racial issues, while providing support to BIPOC individuals and families to survive and thrive with greater equality, justice, liberation, resources, safety, cultural healing, and opportunity.
REJ utilizes the following four pillars as the foundation of our work: Community Care; Community Safety; Community Education; and Community Building. These pillars uphold our programs and initiatives which are the following: 1) Cultural Continuation Program - food & medicine gardening and distribution, outdoor recreation, social gatherings, and land access/stewardship. 2) Community Education - racial justice education, speaking, and organizing events. 3) Mutual Aid - we collaborate with alliance organizations to provide direct support and resources for community members and families.We offer extensive workshops, community spaces, and cultural activities to create spaces for healing with a focus on survivors of sexual assault, racial violence, acts of hate, poverty, cultural genocide, intergenerational trauma, and recovery. In addition, we provide mutual aid to connect individuals and families struggling with poverty, housing issues, substance use disorder, and food insecurity to available resources in their community. 4) Advocacy - we provide solution based action and support to people experiencing discriminition.
We are extremely underfunded and wish to not only fund our programs, but to build more capacity by paying BIPOC folks to do this important work. Visit us at:
Donor Wall 25
Erica Moody | Fine Metal Work | $299
Hi - Thank you for what you do! This donation is from us selecting your organization as part of our monthly giving back campaign, 10% online sales.
Hammond St Congregational Church | $400
Erica Moody | Fine Metal Work | $421
Thank you for all you do! These funds were raised from one of my monthly Giving Back campaign from part of my profit of my little metalcraft biz.
Anonymous | $200
Hammond St Congregational Church
Thanks for what you're doing. I'll donate more when I can.
Anonymous | $52.07
Support New Mainers: End Family Separation
Ellsworth Pride | $310.87
Please accept this donation from Ellsworth Pride. These finds were raised from a raffle we had at our June 13 Pride Fest in Knowlton Park. Thank you for this critical work!
In Memory of George Floyd
Lynn Hempen | $52.07
Thank you for your leadership in our community.
Carolyn Morganstern
Keep up the great work! We all thank you!
Southern Maine DSA | $275
Chris | $52.07
Sending love your way. Thank you for the great work you all are doing!
Thank you for your crucial work. I've been inspired to see Maine rising up this year. Thank you for planting the seeds.
STAR*T Building Resilience | $87.75
Hallo! I have been offering sessions of Healing Touch as part of my new business "STAR*T Building Resilience" and have stated an intention towards having 25% percent of whatever is given reciprocally to me for these sessions to be donated to your organization as an acknowledgement of the important work you are doing for the communities and the people of the Penobscot River Region since I feel very strongly that in order to truly have resilience within our communities we must begin the work of acknowledging the need to heal our collective history(ies) around race and equity. This donation is for 3 sessions that I have conducted in the last week. Thank you for all you are doing in the world! (December 26, 2020) Laura B. Nobel
The Creativity Caravan | $52.07
Thank you for all that you do, for the time and energy you give; it is a deeply hopeful gift you continue to give to the world.
Hannah Colwell | $52.07
Ian Yaffe
Jennifer Rosenthal | $52.07
Thank you for the conversation about anti-racism this evening. Thank you for your work.
Hey! I've been loving seeing your work grow in the world. Thank you - with love and gratitude.
Anonymous | $103.83
We can no longer accept the status quo burying our heads in the sand while racism brutalizes individuals because of the color if their skin. Ignorance and fear have no place in a free society.
Colby Koelsch | $20
Anonymous | $21.01
Thank you for all you do for our community. It is much appreciated. Amanda
Hot Radio Maine | $517.91
Thanks for your work - Hot Radio Maine